Monday, August 26, 2013

Organisation of certain phrase

Arrange the following list in alphabetical order, then answer the questions below:
  • El Paso, Texas
  • Saint Nicholas, Belgium
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Newark, New Jersey
  • XVIIme siècle
  • .38 Special
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • New York, New York
  • 1001 Arabian Nights
  • The 1-2-3 of Magic
  • Albany, New York
  • #!%&: Creating Comic Books
  • The Hague, Netherlands
  • $35 a Day Through Europe
  • H20: The Beauty of Water
  • Plzen, Czech Republic

Here is my answer.
  • #!%&: Creating Comic Books
  • $35 a Day Through Europe
  • .38 Special
  • 1-2-3 of Magic, The
  • XVIIme siècle
  • 1001 Arabian Nights
  • Albany, New York
  • El Paso, Texas
  • H20: The Beauty of Water
  • Lord of the Rings, The
  • Newark, New Jersey
  • New York, New York
  • Plzen, Czech Republic
  • Saint Nicholas, Belgium
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • The Hague, Netherlands

a. Did you put The Hague under T or H?

Under T.

b. Did you put El Paso under E or P?

Under E.        

c. Which came first in your list, Newark or New York?


d. Does St. Louis come before or after Saint Nicholas?

St.Louis come after Saint Nicholas because letter 't' comes after letter 'a'.

e. How did you handle numbers, punctuation, and special characters?

Put them at the top of the list. Usually, special characters come first.

f. Assuming the italicised terms are book titles, what might be a more useful way to organise this list?

Arrange them into two different list.

g. If the cities represent places you've visited and the book titles are ones you've read, how could chronology be used to order the list in a more meaningful way?

Use chronology to determine the years of where I went or what I read.

h.    Look at how some of the other students have organised this information and comment on their blogs

1 comment:

  1. If you ignore the word "the", why "The Hauge, Netherlands" is still the same?
