Monday, August 26, 2013

Information Architect

When people heard the word ‘architecture’, the first relative thing pop into their heads is probably design. So what is information architecture? Is this about designing information? Well, it’s not wrong, but not totally correct. Information architecture is about organizing data for websites, intranets and any other kind of information. In other words, some sort of art science of information structure.

When we are developing a website, the designing phase is very important, because the first judgment from audiences is based on the interface of the website. From my point of view, a web programmer needs not only a good understanding of Java Scripts, but also a very high skill of designing. In the development of a web site, information architect needs to clearly put different elements in the correct place, such as navigation bar. This is not an easy job, like I said. A little disorder might cause some bad impression on audiences. In my opinion, a good architect needs to design something feast one’s eye. For this reason, an information architect plays a very essential role in the web site development.

1 comment:

  1. I think the most important role of IA is to connect between user and program giving them a good understand of a web they will build up.
